Wednesday 5 April 2017


This is the face of a toddler who did not want healthy baby cereal for breakfast, but mommy's chiffon cake, and when finally given some because mommy is worried he would get hungry, DID NOT WANT IT ANYMORE.

This is the face of a toddler who did not want mommy's 爱心 minced meat, corn, carrot and peas porridge that was slow-cooked doubly to perfection BUT MOMMY'S CHICKEN RICE LUNCH.

This is also the face of a toddler who had terribly blocked nose yesterday and runny nose today,  hence mommy gave him the runny nose medicine which made him drowsy but has fought his morning nap, walking till his legs gave way and fought some more in the tula till it was 2pm and he is now finally out, after much walking and rocking and bouncing.

I have a fighter in my hands. While that makes me proud (because I know where he gets that from😏😎).. I cannot tell you how challenging this task of raising him right already is. I believe God only gives us what He knows we can handle. So with His strength, imma raise you right, sweet son of mine.

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